Camera policy


Idealis makes use of camera surveillance for the protection of its customers, employees, visitors and their properties. When implementing camera surveillance, careful consideration should be made between the organisation’s interest and the impact on the privacy of the people being filmed. This policy contains the basic premises and rules Idealis will be maintaining when using cameras. A more expanded outlay can be found in the Camera protocol.

Basic premises camera policy

  1. Cameras will only be deployed when for a specific purpose. The purposes we consider are: the safety of employees and/or customers, combating theft, vandalism, public disruptions or a combination of these. The camera images will not be used for other purposes. The basis for the deployment of camera surveillance is to serve the legitimate interest of the organization, and with which careful considerations are made with regard to the rights of those involved.
  2. When installing cameras the Privacy Officer will deliberate with the manager Real Estate and determine whether camera surveillance is a necessary and proportionate action.
  3. Camera surveillance will at the very least not be implemented in the following locations:
    • Dressing rooms, toilets and other places where one may expect to have a high degree of privacy;
    • Focused on a specific work space unless this is unavoidable and necessary;
    • Focused on an accommodation.
  4. The public road will be visible only insofar as this is unavoidable.
  5. Camera footage will be kept for a maximum of 96 hours, or as long as is necessary when resolving an incident.
  6. When necessary, permission will first be requested from the workers council before installing a camera.
  7. The implementation of camera surveillance will be made known through the use of clearly placed signs or stickers which will refer to the camera policy on the website.
  8. Idealis will not make use of covert camera surveillance (hidden cameras), except in cases where there is concrete and reasonable suspicion of theft or fraud.
  9. Idealis will not make use of cameras with advanced privacy-limiting capabilities, such as facial recognition.
  10. Cameras will be well-protected.
  11. For each camera, it has been established which employees will have access to the images. Employees will have access to the images only insofar as this is necessary for resolving an incident.
  12. Camera footage will only be shared with another organization insofar as Idealis has a compelling interest to do so or in the case of a legal obligation or police warrant.
  13. All parties involved have the right to view the images in which they are visible, insofar as this does not harm the privacy of others.
  14. Parties involved can submit a request for the removal of the images or, for reasons of specific personal circumstances, request to halt the camera surveillance or use of the images. The Privacy Officer will determine within one month whether the request will be granted or will otherwise inform the party involved why this is not possible.
  15. In the case a supplier requires use of the camera surveillance when carrying out an assignment for Idealis, agreements will be made on this in the data processing agreement. At the very least, this camera policy has been determined applicable.