

Thanks for visiting our website. Although the information on this site is as accurate and current as possible, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information. The information is indicative, and changes could be made without advance notification. No rights may be derived from the information on our website. Idealis is not liable for (damage resulting from) technical or editorial errors in the information on this website. This refers to damage stemming from your use of the website, including incorrect functioning of the website. 

Personal responsibility

You remain responsible for the choice and use of the information provided on our website. By visiting our website and/or using information offered there, you hereby state that you agree with the appropriateness of this disclaimer. In case of any contradiction between the terms of the services on our website and this disclaimer, the terms of these services shall take precedence.

Information from third parties, products and services

Hyperlinks on our website (links to websites of third parties) are used entirely at your own risk. We do not accept liability of any kind for the content of websites offered by third parties. Without prior written permission from us, it is not permitted to show links to our website.

Online communication

As sending messages via email can be insecure, they take place at the sender’s own risk. We do not accept any liability for this. We advise against sending confidential information by email. If you choose to send messages to us by email, you must accept the risk that third parties could intercept, misuse or alter these messages.

The laws of the Netherlands apply to this disclaimer and to our website.