Searching via 'hospiteren' (vote-in)

Most rooms of Idealis are offered through, but in the case of a small selection of our rooms the tenants can choose their new housemate themselves. This can be based on direct nomination or on registration time (Costerweg). Look here for more information.

To find and be considered for such a room you’ll have to make us of your own network and keep a close eye on various sources online and elsewhere. Consider for example or the Facebookpage Student Plaza Wageningen. For vote-in based on registration time (Costerweg), you must respond to a (non-self-contained) room published on ROOM. The existing tenants get the details of the first 10 or 15 candidates and select a candidate from this list.

When you reply to a room, you can get invited to a “interview evening" (hospiteeravond) which is probably best described as a form of speed dating. You have to present yourself to the current tenants, along with the other candidates. Afterwards, the tenants will pick a new housemate. To be eligible for the room you have to be registered at and belong to the target group of Idealis.